Sorry this review has been so long in coming. I've been able to spend some serious "review" time with Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles. I'm almost done with it, but really just want to hold off and savor it. I know I heard the crew of Retronauts talking this past week about the discussion they had with Koji Igarashi about Rondo Of Blood finally coming to North America. Iga talked about how he was pretty much
tired of hearing people begging for Rondo, so he gave it to them. Unfortunately for Iga He did too good of a job. I have a feeling they are going to want many more 3D remakes in the future.
Visually this game is beautiful. I think we all knew that when we saw footage a while back. But, Youtube clips can't do it justice. The opening scene alone was breathtaking. I couldn't believe they could do this with the PSP. Syphonfilter is known for it's cutscenes. Dracula X's opening scene makes the best of Syphonfilter look like Saturday morning cartoons.
On top of all the amazing visuals, The music is unbelievably engaging. Updated Scores that create a sonic masterpiece to go along with the visuals. I started off with just the PSP speakers, but once I plugged in my Bose headphones, there was no other way to play. I see now why people love, and claim this game as the best. I've played a few versions of Castlevania, but none is as polished as this one.
I quickly learned about the characters of this game. I started off as a loyal "Richter Only" Castlevania player. Once I got Maria, I was astounded. She makes Richter feel slow and weak. Everything about her character is tuned to shred up stages.
Now, not everything about this game is great. I worked hard to unlock Symphony of The Night. I quickly went back to the title screen so I could fire up SOTN. I was thinking that it would fill the screen when I fired it up. Sadly it did not. I hunted through some game forums to see if there was a fix. Apparently they said the unlockable games were Full screen. Meaning not Wide screen. you can adjust it to full screen though, and it is very much playable. I haven't gotten into SOTN or the Original Rondo yet. I will say though, The new Rondo is very true to level layout. And SOTN is a perfect PS1 port.
This game can not be passed up if you have a PSP. They took one of the most revered games in Castlevania lore, and gave it legendary treatment. The only thing that could have made this better, make it fit your pocket, was thrown on for good measure. Last, they said "let's make this stupid ridiculous!" and made both the original and SOTN, arguably the most beloved game in North America, portable. Koji Igarash, I don't know about anyone else, but you have left me speechless.
Moral Of The Story: Kids don't fear about putting your money down on this title. Best $30 you'll spend in October.
....And with that I'm pulling the plunger on this review.
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