So the other day I was reading this article in Gizmodo 8 reasons the psp will never ever overtake the ds. This is a reply to an article last week on why the PSP has a good chance of being up there with the DS. As I was reading the second article I thought to myself "why do we as gamers care so much about what console is better?" Does it mean we're cool if we have the right console? It just puzzled me. Personally I like any game system that is sitting in front of me at that point in time. I think that next-gen gaming is amazing in all it's formats, and will play a game on any format it might come on. My thought is that people are using this question of which is better to answer where they should put their hard earned money. To me the better question is "what do you want to play?" Buy the system that has the games you love.
So as I said above, it's not about "My PSPeed on your DS Lite!" I don't have the time for that argument. I'm too busy playing the new Castlevania ;-)
Moral of the story: Love the one you're with!