So I have recently gotten my hands on Resistance Retribution. Finally PSP has gotten a shooter that isn't "halfed" by some creator that is forced to make a game for the PSP. Insomniac is one of the top 2 devs for PSP. We all know Naught Dog are the gods, but insomniac isn't far behind. Okay so onto the game... So at first the shooting mechanic is a bit tricky. After going through the options and adjusting the controls the game was much more enjoyable. I played the demo, and must say that the full release is much different from the demo, and for the good. The story is much more engaging, and you see how much the weapons very. The use of the shooting mechanic is much more fleshed out as well. You also run into one of the nastiest enemies in the full release the Boilers. These buggers are relentless unless you shoot them in the head. The enemy AI can be weak and cheap at times, but for the most part I found it a good challenge.
Now, I haven't finished the game yet (kind of avoiding it cause I like this game so much), but one of my favorite things about this game is the "puzzle" element to it. Whether it's figuring out the best point of attack or the best weapon the puzzle element keeps you on your toes. This is the kind of game we've been begging for on the PSP since it came out. Go pick up this game and let Sony know what we really want on our PSP's.